Moving the AGM
Currently, BCCE is incompliant with the BC Societies Act, which requires a society to present their financial statements at an annual general meeting within 6 months of their fiscal year end.
To ensure compliancy, BCCE options are:
Keep the fiscal year end on December 31 and hold the AGM (45 minute business meeting) in May in conjunction with the BC Chamber of Commerce AGM & Conference. The BCCE professional development conference continues to be held in September. The AGM will be made available electronically for members who cannot attend.
Change the fiscal year end to April 30th and continue to hold the BCCE AGM during the September BCCE professional development Conference.
Move the BCCE AGM and Conference to May in conjunction with the BC Chamber conference.The AGM will be made available electronically for members who cannot attend.
Option 1
There is time to host this event prior to the BC Chamber of Commerce Policy Resolution Review Sessions.
Compliant with BC Societies Act
Close to Canadian Chamber AGM-Time out of office attending both events
Option 2
Maintains AGM and Conference September event dates
Compliant with BC Societies Act
Must seek permission to change fiscal period-end date. The application can take from a few weeks to a couple of months to be processed.
Will require BCCE staff/volunteer time to complete the application and amend the book keeping procedures to accommodate the change.
Close to Canadian Chamber AGM-Time out of office attending both events
Option 3
Numbers to BCCE conference in September are declining and may see an increase in attendance with it being in conjunction with BCCC’s event.
Access to better speakers
Travel cost savings
Organizing new conference dates in a short time frame
Smaller communities might not be able to host
Question from the floor
Has there been any consideration to address the bursaries for the BCCE and BC AGM? If the two meetings harmonize together, can we harmonize bursaries so that members can attend both. There could be some value to combining and if a bursary recipient you would get to attend both events at the same time.
Question from the floor
How does CCEC and Canadian chamber AGM and conferences work together? From those in attendance it works well, two separate events. Professional development for managers and then into Canadian Chamber -separate conference same location